Mars Chocolate North America aired “M&M’s Love Ballad” during the 2013 Super Bowl, an 30 second television commercial featuring actress Naya Rivera and the M&M’s character, Red. The ad is part of the Better With M™ campaign, showcasing ways M&M’S irresistible chocolate makes moments more fun and delicious. Singing Meatloaf track “I would do anything for love”, Red falls all over himself to showcase his commitment to actress Naya Rivera. The relationship comes into question when Rivera can’t resist adding her milk chocolate beau to some of her favorite treats, including cookies, cake and ice cream. She even goes as far as asking him to get inside a piñata.
We’ve included here the 30 second Super Bowl ad, and the extended 60 second version.
The ‘Better With M’ campaign is one of the largest marketing efforts in M&M’S history. In addition to the Super Bowl ad, the year-long campaign includes multiple English and Spanish television, print and digital ads, in-store displays, consumer promotions and a new cause-marketing partnership with Habitat for Humanity. Fans are also encouraged to share how M&M’S makes their own moments better via the brand’s Facebook page (, as well as the hashtag, #betterwithmms.
The Love Ballad campaign was developed at BBDO New York by chief creative officer David Lubars, executive creative directors Tim Bayne and Lauren Connolly, senior art director Eduardo Petersen, senior copywriter Christopher Cannon, executive agency producer Chris Lenz, producer Laura Patterson, account director Amanda Cruz
Filming was shot by directing collective Traktor with executive producer Richard Ulfvengren, and head of production Rani Melendez.
Editor was Maury Loeb at PS260 with producer Laura Patterson and Zarina Mark.
Animation was produced at LAIKA/House by animation director Kirk Kelley and producer Zilpha Yost.
Colorist was Rob Sciarratta at Company 3.
Audio post was produced at Sound Lounge by sound mixer Tom Jucarone. Music was arranged at Emoto Music, arranged by John Adair, with vocalist Billy West.